Sunday 16 September 2012

Hand made dreamcatchers DIY

As far back as I can remember I have always had the most bizarre and imaginative dreams. Not always good dreams either. I will never forget running into mum and dads bed after having my reoccurring nightmare about the witches from the movie Hocus Pokus coming to take me away. The first time I heard about a dream catcher I was a little girl and was so excited at the thought of it catching my bad dreams so I wouldn't have to be scared anymore. These days there are so many different types of dreamcatchers I thought i'd see how I would go at making one from things I found around the house.

Starting with the frame. I gathered sticks/twigs from the front and back yard and using some coloured yarn/wool I secured the sticks together in a circular shape (this was slightly difficult but the more I did the easier it became). Once the frame was complete and strong enough I began to weave through an old doily with the remaining yarn. When doing this you can be a creating as you like trying to create a spider web pattern around the doily and securing it onto the frame when complete. Lastly is the decorating part which can be as elaborate or simple as you desire. I had heaps of crafty beads and feathers from past projects so i went about hanging them from the bottom of the frame. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. K

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